Tuesday, 29 January 2013

~last day of holidays~ D:

yes, you read right. today, Wednesday, the thirtieth of January, is my last day of freedom. tomorrow im going back to school. I wrote that in the tiniest font there is so it doesnt seem real. Because i dont want it to be real. My holidays have been AMAZING and i do not want them to enddddd!! but of course, all good things must come to an end. as sad as that is. so anyway, my whole family are back to school/work today so i am home alone. ~insert loud music, unlimited food and last day of FREEDOM here~. lucky my first day tomorrow is on a Thursday so I only have 2 days of school then its the WEEKEND so i s'pose its not thaaaat bad, but it STILL ISSSSS! D: my gawd, i sound like a scene out of some bad dramatic movie. im gonna stop moping now coz i refuse to mope until tonight because for now, I STILL HAVE FREEDOM AND NEED TO ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS~

anyway, lovely blogger people, next subject!! what can that be? hmmm im not sure hahahaaaaaaah well this is awkward isnt it? ill have plenty more to blog about when school goes back but for now, i dont have much. so cheeriooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

all my love 

Saturday, 26 January 2013


Hey Hey Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy!
well, the title gives it away doesnt it? last night i went to Reece Mastin's concert in Albury! its his 2nd one ive been to (his first one was the last of last year) and he failed to dissapoint! infact, he did the exact opposite!! he was absolutely amazing! well, actually, first the supporting act 'At Sunset', a 3 boy local Aussie band performed a few songs first. They were actually pretty good!! But it was obvious Reece was the one everybody was waiting for. And, before you ask, no i didnt take the photos. My mum, who came to the concert with me (because my dad doesnt really like reece and my brother said he'd go deaf from all the screaming girls), was up the back taking lots of photos and videos for me to look back at later while i was up the front, second from the very front row, in the mosh pit!! his last concert i went to i just sat down like a civilised woman for the start and did get up but he was a fair while away. this time i was jumping and singing and dancing around like a crazy animal on drugs (you get my picture). Normally, this would look really weird, but 2 things made it okay.

1. My singing was droned out by Reece's and everybody elses
2. everyone else in the mosh pit was dancing crazy too.

haha so it was fine! he sung all the songs from his album along with a few others. and, yes, he took his shirt off. thats kind of a tradition now hahaha! his bandmates Dave + Marcus were also amazing. Reece and his band put so much effort into their performance, so much energy, and you could tell they all had such a passion for what they do. when he very first walked out, i was in shock for the first few songs. because he was, RIGHT THERE. If i shoved past a security guard i could have touched him!! Reece really worked the stage, he made sure he got around to everyone and I was THIS CLOSE to being able to touch his hand but i didnt :( but he did smile at me though during quite a sexy lyric of the song and i nearly had a heart attack!! haha not seriously :p but it was amazing. even though coz its summer here it got a tad stuffy inside (the smoke machine probably helped with that). he is so SEXY thats one of the things that was different from last time, this concert he was a lot more sexy he did pelvic thrusts and i nearly fainted!! i had the best time and all of today i have been having Reece withdrawals. its funny coz i had them the day after his first one last year too. this is what was going on in my mind: i wont be able to see him for another yeeeaarr, go to his concert for another yeeaarr, how will i cope? it was the most AMAZING night grrrrrrr

 but lucky mum got heaps of photos and videos that i can look back on and relive the night whenever i want to. of course it wont be the same but it might help ease the pain XP

oh and guess what?? Reece actually stayed at the same motel as me!!! no i didnt get to see him :( but that fact alone was amazing!

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaah im fangirling here arent I? okay, ill stop now :p and share with you some photos. sorry they're on the side so you have to put your head to the side hehehe but blogger isnt let me flip them for some reason. so anyway, enjoy!! 

all my love 



Friday, 25 January 2013

Monday, 21 January 2013

awards timeeeeeeeeee!

Hey hey hey bloggers! in case your wondering what I've been doing these past few days, I'll keep it short and sweet. I've been trying to soak up as much of the holidays as I have left because, as much as I hate to admit it, school is beginning to creep up to me and I would rather kiss a horse than go back to school, if that puts things into perspective. The weather has been hot, as usual, and ive been in front of the air conditioner for much of the day but today my creativity spark made me venture outside. In hand, was my IPod (for music) and a box of chalk. I havent done chalk drawings since third grade so I grabbed my little brother and we both ventured out into the heat (with our cat by our side) and drew. The results? Well, we're not the best artists but I actually really enjoyed it. And, I have to admit, it looks pretty damn cool. But we didnt get to draw as much as we wanted because the heat got too crazy so we came back inside. Anyway, guess what? My Reece concert is only days away!!!!! Eeeeeek! i am so excited but it still hasnt really dawned on me yet that im actually.going.to.see.him but anyway, ill be sure to post some photos of the night on here! oh and also, if you have instagram i post as regularly as i can on there (sundae_mornings) so if you have insta, check my account out!!
anyway, back to the title of this post. my award!! the gorgeous Nava (http://ginfragont.blogspot.com.au) nominated me for the Liebster award, so here are the rules I (and those I next choose to nominate muhahaha) have to oblige by:

1. Bloggers nominate other up-and-coming bloggers (with less than 200 followers) for the award.
2. If you receive the Liebster, you must: 
- Tell 11 random things about yourself. 
- Answer the 11 questions the nominator has asked you.
- Nominate 11 other bloggers and make sure you notify them.

 11 random facts about me:

1. I find watering the garden calming somehow. Dont ask me why, but it does. 
2. As much as I hate to admit it, I still like the same guy ive liked since 5th grade. even though my head is screaming at me to move on, my heart refuses not to flutter at the sight of him.
3. Im not one to bake, but recently Ive been baking once a day ( a 2 day record so far) and im actually enjoying it!! i havent set the oven on fire yet, yay!
4. i cant get over the fact that my brother is going to be in high school next year!! it'll be so weird...but I also cant believe next year ill be a senior!!! people say high school goes fast, and finally im beginning to believe them.
5. 2 movies i love, that dont have sequel which annoys me to death: Tomorrow, When The War Began and I am Number Four.
6. my favourite subjects at school are english and music ♪
7. my very first social media site i EVER went on was Stardoll.
8. i am one of the few people in this world that doesnt have Facebook.
9. my current (celebrity) crushes: Reece Mastin, Ed Sheeran, Alex Pettyfer
10. I CANNOT WAIT for Catching Fire to be released!!!
11. im a self confessed nerd. and proud of it.

Questions from the nominator:

Who is your favorite blogger?
That's a hard one, but Ive got to say Bonnee. (http://thebloggingofanaspiringwriter.blogspot.com.au) I find that I can relate to her really well and the fact that we're both aussie is awesome! 

Where are you from?

What social media sites do you have?
Blogger + Instagram are about all.

What do your think about yourself?
Im happy in my own skin. Even though my skin isnt perfect, I am happy in it. I am happy in myself. I loooove my eyes, hair and lips. 

Who inspires you the most?
Emma Watson and authors like Stephenie Meyer and J.K Rowling

What is your life motto?
Just keep swimming.... ~nemo

Favorite city?

Describe your style?
Casual cool, with a quirky and sometimes vintage spin.

What is the first thing that you put in your bag?
My IPod and lipgloss. Oh, and tissues.

What are you reading at the moment?
Torn by Amanda Hocking

And here are my nominees!!!

Bonnee (http://thebloggingofanaspiringwriter.blogspot.com.au)
Chanelle (http://chanelle-stories.blogspot.com.au/)
Addy (http://fromthelifeandtimesasb.blogspot.com.au/)
Storyteller (http://storytellerofwestoncounty.blogspot.com.au/)
Krista (http://www.kjmclaughlin.com/)
The Boy Is Awkward (http://theboyisawkward.blogspot.com.au/)
Jessica (http://jessicajustpoems.blogspot.com/)
Maya (http://butterfliessurroundme.blogspot.com.au/)
Left Brain, Right Brain, Pug Brain (http://leftbrainrightbrainpugbrain.blogspot.com.au/)
Life Goes On (http://smootieville.blogspot.com.au/)
Tea With Lucy (http://teawithlucy.blogspot.com.au/

ok, since my computer is being very slow today ill let you guys know maybe tomorrow or the next day that you've been nominated, 'kay? okay.

so im now off to go do some more chalk drawings, now the suns gone down itll be a lot more pleasant. 

till next time,

love and muffins,



P.S: Please scroll down to the bottom of my blog to see my new The Hunger Games Catching Fire thing i put there. its awesome! :D

Tuesday, 15 January 2013



  • ice cream and chocolate topping= yummy in my tummy ♪♥♪♥
  • holidays should never end!!! 
  • what day is it again? sorry, i loose track of time during the holidays
  • i ship chair (watch gossip girl to understand)
  • dont question chuck bass, he is a badass.  a sexy one at that
  • i just met you AND I LOVE YOU ~up
  • to go to bed or to blog...decisions, decisions...
  • i miss free wi-fi!!!
  • why is tv always so crappy this time of year? i miss my TV! 
  • i cant wait for reece's concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ed sheeran is the cutest thing
  • niall is my leprechaun
  • you can never move forward if your looking backwards
  • what will my day consist of tomorrow?
  • hey, i watched the woman in black yesterday, have you seen it? its the scariest movie i have ever seen, but also one of the coolest :3
  • my dog Rosie is staring at me from outside the window, with the cutest biggest eyes...nawwwwww
  • omg im melting...she is too cute
  • i need a drink
  • hehehehehehe
  • she's still there
  • at the window
  • giving me the big, "let me come in" eyes
  • im going to go now
  • my friend just texted me
  • goodbye
  • for now
  • muhahahahahaha

Sunday, 13 January 2013

im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

hey yes, the crazy blogger EJ is back from her holiday! :D didya miss me? oh, im sure you did, stop shaking your head.

ok, so in case you've forgotten, i was on holiday for the week with my cousins. and it was great. i wont go into detail, but we went to the beach which was lovely, it was perfect weather. we also did some shopping, used free wi-fi, and celebrated my grandmas 90th birthday. oh and also it was lovely catching up with the family :) also we ate the BEST food, (chocolate, lollies, souvlaki, sushi, peppermint and chocolate ice cream, strawberries, grapes, chocolate thickshakes) and there is more but i know i am already making you drool :P

and i also got a 'kik' account, which is like an instant messager, kind of like texting you could say but its an app and you need to know peoples usernames to be able to kik them. i also regularly update my insta, so search    sundae_mornings   if you have instagram and thats me!

ok so the rest of my holidays involve very little. apart from my nan and pa coming to visit this weekend and going to REECE MASTINS CONCERT, WHICH WILL BE AMAZINGGGGGGG, there really isnt that much. 

all i know is, im going to be enjoying as much of the holidays as i can before school (eeek, hate that word) goes back. 

also, there are new catching fire pictures released (the 2nd hunger games movie) which have got my PSYCHED for it!!! but its released in november this year which is too long to wait and an absolute bummer. >:( cant wait that looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong

anyway, blog later!!!
love EJ xxx 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

~summer nights~

i actually dont know why i called this post that, coz it isnt even night its three oclock in the afternoon but oh well thats my mind for ya. hey, dont you love it when in holidays you loose track of the days? thats happening with me right now hehe

ok...since im lacking imagination and enthusiasm to write a full, proper post im going to make lists. yaaaay lists! ok, here we go....(ill do three....)


1. swam in the pool
ok so here in australia its summer and its stinking hot so ive spent most days swimming in the pool c': bliss i know 

2. watched gossip girl series 1+2
it is very addictive. for some reason i love watching the drama, life and troubles of the rich and the famous people from the united states. My favourite character? thats a hard one....it changes almost every episode!

3. watched movies
the avengers, red riding hood, harry potter and the deathly hallows pt. 1 + 2, snow white and the hunstman, just to name a few. its been movie heaven for me ♥

4. celebrated christmas
christmas this year was very different because it wasnt busy like it usually is. i wasnt rushing from house from house, cousins to cousins, grabbing presents and eating food along the way. we stayed at home this chrissie and even though it was very different to what im used to, it was very nice.

5. take down the christmas tree
we did this yesterday, actually. it was kind of depressing taking down all the festiveness. now my loungeroom looks bare. boo.

6. watch the clock tick over to 12:00am
on new years eve, i mean. yes, i stayed up and watched the exact second it went from 11:59, 31st December 2012, to 12:00, 1st January 2013. but i didnt party or anything, i just ate some chocolate and lollies from my secret stash. hehe.

7. stayed up late
this is quite a bad habit of mine, staying up late. but in the holidays, when its allowed, ive been reaallyy bad. lucky i can sleep in the next morning

8. blogged
not very regularly, and i apologize about that. but the reason i havent been posting in quite a while is because most of my days consist of: gossip girl, food, tv, writing, swimming, food. you get the picture. not very exciting shiz to write about

9. gone old school
bored out of my wits one afternoon, I went digging in the drawers and found my old Nintendo DS and Gameboy advance!!!!! needless to say, i was occupied all afternoon.

10. write
yes, ive kept going with Anywhere But Here, my 30 something page something story. im quite proud of myself, because usually unless i really, really enjoy writing something i stop. but this one i really do enjoy so yeah.


1. moving up a level
this year will certainly be very different... im just 1 year off senior school which is quite daunting...this time next year ill be a senior! eeeek! haha as much as im nervous a part of me is excited!

2. classes
my classes for semester 1 are pretty sucky. ive got bad teachers for most of them, subjects i dont like....but luckily semester 2 looks waaaaay better!!! so ill just have to hang out till then, i guess.

3. getting older
ill be another year older (maybe wiser) by the end of this year. but dont even dare ask what i want for my b'day. christmas is barely finished, people!!

4. getting a laptop
yup, this year I can get my own laptop for schooooolll! yippee this means watching movies on my own laptop at night (no, not on school nights mum) and, most importantly (skip all the other good reasons) because i dont have to borrow ones that the school has.

5. finish anywhere but here
this is more of a wish, but i also think it is a new years resolution for me. get this straight, i have NEVER finished a story before. unbelieveable, right? ive nearly reached 200 pages with one but never fully finished one yet. 

6. change my status
oh, this is another wish actually, hehe. but im hoping this year will be the year my relationship status goes from single to taken. also, this is the year my mum formally allows me to date (But the way dad carries on i dont think he'd want me to have a boyfriend till im 21)

7. enjoy my holiday
in the march/april school holidays my family and i are going to JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. mah cashola!
no its not a type of pasta, im talking about how much money ive got saved up! a whole $250 hehe yupppp!

2. instagram
insta is the only social networking thing i have. i mean, ive got blogger of course but i mean the big ones like FB, Twitter, Tumblr. if your wondering its coz im not allowed on them. but if you DO have an instagram, search up my username    sundae_mornings    and chuck me a follow!

3. reece mastin concert
im going on January 25th to his concertttttttttttttt yahoo im so exciteddddddddddddddd even though its weeks awayyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry im fangirling here :P 

4. sadness
i missed out on seeing Perks of being a wallflower when it was in cinemas. i am so sad coz i really wanted to see it on the big screen!! now ill just have to wait till it comes out on DVD....

so, until next time bloggers!!

stay cool!

love EJ xxx