Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Hullo :D

Hey whoevers reading this, just sayin i really appreciate it. heeheh just thought id say that c;

ok, so you get that im just a little bit excited. and y'know what else is good? I dont have to do any school work coz im going bowling instead! yup on the last few days of school its called 'activities week' and you can choose from a list of fun stuff to do (eg: christmas cooking, sports, bowling, swimming, going to theme parks, etc) and today I did cooking christmas thingies (i made yoyos) and swimming, but let me explain them in a bit more detail, just coz i can.

okay, well for cooking i had a pretty large group, majority of it made up of year 7's which kinda sucked coz i dont like year 7s. anyway so everybody made one type of treat and then at the end of it you can pick a bit of everything and have your own little christmas bag of lots of different food! my friend and I made yoyos and the other things made were gingerbreads, cherry ripe slice, hedgehog, rumballs, etc. it wasnt a bad way to spend a morning hehehe

then i went swimming! a bus of us went down to the local pool for an afternoon in the sun. well i got into the changerooms and i was shocked at the amount of bikinis the girls were wearing. not that i have anything against bikinis but these 12-13 year old girls were out in the skimpiest, smallest bikinis EVER. but the guys enjoyed it, at least. but overall it was really nice at the pool, apart from my sunburn.  oh and i saw my crush without a shirt on. #hot #NotABadWayToSpendAnAfternoon
lol sorry for my use of hashtags i know thats a twitter and instagram thing but anyway!

so tomorrow im going bowling and then schools OUT FOR SUMMER! bring on the icy poles, swimming in the pool, and of course CHRISTMAS and mr.claus himself.

tell next time, stay cool!

love EJ xxx


  1. You're so lucky! All these fun activities..

    We're freezing here, the school is incredibly cold, we have to wear gloves and hats indoors. It's awful. At least there are Christmas lights and snow everywhere and they make everything much more beautiful :)

    I'm sorry for not commenting in such a long time.. I didn't really feel like blogging, either. Have an awesome day!

    1. hahahah yup i am :3

      and i wish it was freezing here, its stinking hot and humid. i want a white christmas!!

      and no its fine♥
