Saturday, 25 August 2012

A long awaited update!! ♫

A long awaited update!!

First of all, I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while. Another website called has taken up a lot of my time on the internet! It is so damn addictive!! But anyway…I’ve managed to drag myself away from Polyvore to write this for my readers/followers…so here it is!
Well, it’s Sunday. The end of yet another weekend and nearly the start of another week. This weekend has been pretty awesome because I’ve slept in till about 10:00am without being interrupted (which was awesome!), had my Nan and pa up for the weekend (they went home todayL) and also have had 2 pyjama days!!!
My Nan and pa always bring up naughty food and this time was no different. We indulged in jam donuts, scrolls, yoyos, chocolate and biscuits. Oh, did I forget the custard and fizzy drink?? Yummo! But don’t worry; normally my family never have this sort of stuff so it’s just always a nice treat whenever they come down from NSW. They make me laugh so much. Im serious, they could become comedians!!! Just sayin’ ;)
Mum has travelled to Melbourne today (the capital of my state) and is staying there till Tuesday. I’ll miss ya Mum! So.damn.much! I know she reads my blog sometimes so if you maybe get on the internet sometime while you’re in Melbourne and are reading this, I say “hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” I really don’t know how my dad, brother and I will survive without her. I’ll be the only female in the household…apart from my dog, that is. But even Rosie’s pretty manly for a girl… ;P
I’m also kinda addicted to watching The X Factor Australia. It’s pretty damn awesome!!! One of my favourites has to be Joel Goncalves… he is HAWT! and he can sing!!! Aaand he seems nice!!! Yay!! XD it’s on again on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night too btw.
Speaking of Wednesday night…that’s the night when my other set of grandparents, my Nan and poppy are coming up to stay till the following Tuesday (at least!) It will be so awesome to see them again---it’s been ages!! And no doubt they’ll also bring some bad food…I’ll try not to over indulge!!! But no doubt it’ll be hard with my Nan’s fantastic cooking…. My friend Jo is coming back on Wednesday also.
On Monday I and some other girls are going to Wangaratta to a writer’s festival. I don’t know very much about it but I thought I better go coz Mum’s all like “if you want to become an author you need to go to these things….I bet J.K Rowling and Stephenie Meyer went to things like this…” It’s an hour drive which is alright I suppose, although I don’t really like bus rides, even short ones. But hopefully it’ll be worth it…it’s a day off school if all else fails!!
It’s pretty nice weather today but it looks like a bit of a cloudy and cold week ahead. Boo! Hopefully the weather’s wrong!!
I don’t have a facebook if you didn’t already know…so I don’t know very much about it. But I was curious to see about it…so with mum beside me (of course…she’s so strict when it comes to FB!) I found some of my friends’ FB pages. Turns out Im in 2 of their profile pics!! It was so weird to find their pages……personally, I prefer Polyvore!! I’m sure Facebook is cool and is addictive…but personally I thought it looked a bit boring! Polyvore is so much cooler…you still can message, like, and comment and stuff like that but you get to make collages and join groups and cool stuff like that. Also Polyvore’s set up is so much nicer than FB’s. Blue and white is boring!!
But anyway, enough of that!
I finished reading the 4th book in the Tomorrow, When the War Began series by John Marsden called Darkness, be my friend.  I know these books are way old (they were released in the 90’s sometime) but I’m really enjoying them!! The cool thing is most of the stuff they have in the book is still relevant nowadays. They’re also Australian!! If you haven’t checked them out before I recommend that you do so!
Well I think that’s all for now!!
Post again later!
A message to my friends who commented on my last post:
Chanelle:  Hey sweetie…Keep your head up! You’re beautiful, don’t ever forget that!! PS: your style of writing is amazing! Ever thought of becoming an author??
Bonnee: Hey sweetie…I always love reading your blog posts. They always inspire me to keep working on my current stories/books so a big thanks to you!! Also thank you for nearly always commenting on my posts….it’s very much appreciated!! Sorry I’m not always as good back!!
Later update:
Just had a big afternoon of gardening…planted some fruit trees out in the backyard. Planting trees is actually harder than it seems! But it was nice hanging with my brother and Dad, missing Mum though L

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