Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Thursday afternoon...

I'm currently sitting in my school library with my brother waiting for my Dad (who's a teacher at my school) to finish work and come in to drive us home. I am stoked that the school computers let Blogger work coz they're pretty strict with websites (so no Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, etc...) so if Blogger didn't work , I don't know what I'd do!

ANYWAY well for most of the day it's been nice and overcast, a pleasent break from the stinky, hot weather we've been having. But, now the sun's back and the temperature has risen again (much to my disgust! I was enjoying the cooler weather) so it's yet another warm afternoon.

It's a it's nearly the weekend, one day to go (YAY!!)
Today has been alright- double computers in the morning (with Dad as my teacher, eek!) which was alright. Then Health, then Science. I am pretty glad it's over though! It was a pretty long day.

Sorry I haven't been on for a while-things have just been so busy! I've got heaps of homework and the computer's rarely free and I watch TV every get the picture!

Well, no other big news, really. Thanks for reading!




LOL!!! Classic. :p


  1. Haha, it's full of snow here. I can barely walk without slipping on it.

    1. Hi! Hehe it's a funny photo isn't it? Wow, your lucky! It's stinking hot and sunny here at the moment. :-)

  2. hey! thanks for leaving a comment on Harley & Lola's blog. I also have a personal blog ( that I write random things on, if you'd like to check it out. So great to meet another Australian blogger. You're lucky your school hasn't blocked blogger...mine has :(
    It must be so weird having your dad as a teacher! I'm kinda excited for summer to end because this weather is killing me!

    1. hi! I promise I'll check out your personal blog when I have time. It is great to meet another Aussie blogger! You're the first Australian one I've chatted to.....ever!
      Oh, that must suck. :(
      It is weird having Dad as a teacher! But luckily he hasn't done too much to embarrass me.....YET. :p
      I know it's SO hot...bring on the winter!!

  3. Hey EJ
    Love that picture at the end of the post
    How wuz your weekend? Mine started thursday afternoon and its not 10:20pm and I need to sleep cuz I'm going....SHOPPPING tomorrow :) ♥ LoL I hope your weekend wuz really good is it sunday for you guys or monday? I'm really not sure of the time difference

    1. Hiya Caitlin! I know isn't the picture funny? Lol!
      Weell my weekend is pretty good! It's 5:30pm Sunday afternoon at the moment fyi. Your so lucky u get to go shopping! My town doesn't have many big shops. :(
      Chat later, I've got to go.
      ♥ EJ

  4. So now it's sunday morning for me And to go to an actual good mall I have to drive for a little while cuz we have 1 mall here and it's not very good
    Have a good day
    ♥Caitlin :)

    1. Heyyaa Caitlin sozz it's taken so long to write backk. I nearly did in a Science class yesterday (tuesday) on a laptop but didn't have enough time. Sozz!
      Weell hope your shopping went well and plz read my post above it's of my school's swimming sports I had today. ;)
      Hopefully I'll post some photos of me all dressed up for it soon, but I can't at the mo.

      OK Caitlin I better go now. Tonight is Karate and I don't have very long on here before I go.....
      so I'll chat later!!

      ♥ EJ

  5. Hey EJ sounds like your really busy lately and it's fine I usually can't get on alot during the week. And shopping was really fun and I hope you had a good week end this past one LoL have a good day
