Thursday, 23 February 2012

Swimming Sports! :-)

Hello there! :D
Well, yesterday was my school's Swimming Sports! The whole school is divided up into 4 teams.  The houses are: Bader (green) Hillary (blue) Landy (yellow) and Churchill (red.)
I am in Bader, btw.

ANYWAY, well, everybody is encouraged to dress up in their team colours for the day..and I got all 'greened' up with a green shirt, green shorts, green nailpolish, green sunnies, green zinc cream on my face and lips, green get the picture!

Me, all 'greened' up!

The whole school headed down to the  local pool for the day, and it was a huge line consisting of green, red, yellow and blue making it's way down the street. It was something to see!

The atmosphere was great as soon as I stepped inside. There was great, catchy, up-beat tunes, totally lol-worthy guys from school as commentators, and the weather was just perfect!

As you might know already, I'm not a great swimmer. :p
So I only participated in the novelty events and left the actual racing to the sporty kids.
I did two kickboard relays (my team of four came second and third). I think the novelty events- which are things like kickboard, running in the water, and doggy paddling are the most fun, myself. But, without the full on stuff, I guess nobody would really win, hey?

My friend Jo and I had a good chat to some guys I hadn't really caught up with since last year, did some wordfinds (Jo came prepared with heaps of magazines and quiz books), chatted to friends, and had a walk around every so often.

After a long day of laughter, heat, and awesome music, it was announced that.....Bader won! Woohoo!

It was a great end to a great day.

Well....that was yesterday. Everybody looked different at school today without all their colours on! Everyone (including me) looked exhausted...I wish they had it on a Friday instead of a Wednesday, so we could have the weekend to rest up! Well, we can't have everything, can we?

Today was pretty good....the same scorching heat continued for most of the day and now Friday is looming closer still.

Gotta go my friends, the TV is calling! ;p

Chat again soon,




Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Thursday afternoon...

I'm currently sitting in my school library with my brother waiting for my Dad (who's a teacher at my school) to finish work and come in to drive us home. I am stoked that the school computers let Blogger work coz they're pretty strict with websites (so no Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, etc...) so if Blogger didn't work , I don't know what I'd do!

ANYWAY well for most of the day it's been nice and overcast, a pleasent break from the stinky, hot weather we've been having. But, now the sun's back and the temperature has risen again (much to my disgust! I was enjoying the cooler weather) so it's yet another warm afternoon.

It's a it's nearly the weekend, one day to go (YAY!!)
Today has been alright- double computers in the morning (with Dad as my teacher, eek!) which was alright. Then Health, then Science. I am pretty glad it's over though! It was a pretty long day.

Sorry I haven't been on for a while-things have just been so busy! I've got heaps of homework and the computer's rarely free and I watch TV every get the picture!

Well, no other big news, really. Thanks for reading!




LOL!!! Classic. :p

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Pretty Photos!

Heyoo everybody!
Well I'm going to post some photos I found on a website called firstly coz I really like them and would like to share them and secondly coz Caitlin convinced me too LOL :p

Just lettin' u guys know... I didn't take any of these photos. I'm a good photographer but not THAT good!! I'm building up to it though, hopefully. 
It's a Sunday, nearly a new school week. I better go now....enjoy the last few hours of freedom!!




Wednesday, 8 February 2012

To Claire;From Sonny

I first read about the short film ' To Claire;From Sonny' in a DOLLY magazine and have always been meaning to look it up but have never gotten around to it until now. It stars- and was made by a group of teens and it brought a tear to my eye.

Without giving too much away- it's about a boy whose girlfriend has left him and how he deals with the heartbreak by writing letters to her ( I wish I could go into detail because that sentence certainly doesn't do it justice but you'll have to watch it to understand. And no, the boy is not just being sooky....)
The camera work is beautiful, storyline enthralling, music gorgeous....everything!!
It is a beautifully woven short film, which I hope you take some time to watch on the link below.

Please take time to look at the photos I've gathered to below this post to give you a bit of an idea of what it looks like. ;)



PS: Love to Chanelle and Janaya, you girls rock! xx



Friday, 3 February 2012

First day back!

H-ello my fellow friends and bloggers!

Today was my first day back at school after a beautiful six week break. Didn't really know what to expect, to be honest! A whole new year, a whole new batch of Year 7's starting school (eek they're so small!!) and many new experiences to be had. And after spending a full day with my crush (and little brother, who sort of broke the ice) I was feeling pretty confident.

As I determindley marched past the puny little Year 7's and the incredibly tall Year 12's a million thoughts were rushing through my head.
Will I be in the same class as my friends? My crush? Will my teachers be good? Will there be any new kids?

My head was definitelty whirling as I met up with my friends from last year and we headed towards the locker bay.

The day progressed slowly but surely. Each class different in many ways- different teachers, subjects, and class mates...

In class we were told the facts, at lunch I faced reality with some of my so-called friends from last year completely snobbing me (no idea why,) and people watching how everybody was handling coming back to school with two of my friends.

Classes past....some slowler than others, more homework and information was loaded onto us in each...which I'm pretty sure left all of us feeling pretty overwhelmed and tired.
I mean, we've just had six weeks of relaxtion, sleeping in, no we're being stuck in a place that is basically revolves around work for six hours!!!

Most things I am looking forward to this year...the formal, for example. One thing I am not looking forward to is swimming.

Let me tell you first before I start....I am not a sporty type of person. Sure, I have fun having a go at most things (and making a complete fool of myself whilst doing it) but I am pretty stable with all sports that include standing on solid ground.
Swimming just makes me uneasy for some reason! I suppose you don't have that security you do when on the ground, and you don't have always readily avaliable air...

I can swim, mind you, but I'm not very good at it! Swimming trials are on Tuesday for which group you are in (easy, medium or hard), and of course I am worried about making a complete fool of myself (belly whacker instead of a dive, anyone???) with my whole year watching (popular kids, friends, and crush included!!!)

Sitting down this afternoon with Mum on the couch, I flooded my whole day onto her. About my classes, my teachers, my friends, how I thought some guys were trying to catch my eye, the Year 7's being so small and........swimming.

Boy, let me tell you, it felt GOOD letting it all out. Mum is the perfect listener, and she is pretty used to me telling her all about my day.

After discussing it, we both decided that I should not let my worries ruin my weekend and I should remember it again the night before.

Besides, I've got dayyss until swimming, and it won't be that bad!!! (that's what I'm trying to tell myself, anyway....)

So after I finish writing this, I'm going to settle down for the night which includes getting lost in the magical world of Harry Potter (I know, I know I sound like a major geek but those books are awesome, they totally take your mind away from whatever's happening right now!!!) whilst snuggling under my sheets until my eyes gradually droop until I give up and let them shut.

Thanks for listening guys, it feels great to have written it all down.

Over and out,

